Thursday, August 31, 2017

Ethakka Upperi - Banana Chips - Kerala Sweet Banana Chips

Ingredients :
Raw Banana(Plantain)/Nenthran Kaya : 3 nos
Turmeric powder : 1/2 teaspoon
Salt :1/2 teaspoon
coconut oil - 1 cup

Method of Preparation:

1.peel the skin of the bananas and dip in the turmeric water for 30 mins.(normally do with ripe bananas have  sweetness.) 

2.Dissolve salt in 1/2 cup of water, add turmeric powder, mix well and keep it aside.
3.Slice the bananas into thin  pieces cut it into 1/4" pieces..

4.Heat the oil in a deep  frying pan on a medium heat and  sliced bananas into hot oil.

5.When its half fry.minimize the flame to its lowest and sprinkle the turmeric salt water .

6.After couple of mins turn over the flame to medium.. 
7.Remove to a tissue paper..
                                              Serve and Enjoy😇😇

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